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May 11, 2020
Heartland Heritage Quilt from Jan's Quilts

It's a "binding kinda week".  this is the first of four quilts that came back from the LAQ.  This one is from the Inspiring Stitches BOM Quilt Project for 2018.  The original had a sewing machine block in it, but I changed it because I give most of my quilts away, and I thought few people would be excited about a sewing machine.

Above is the pieced quilt back and below is a group photo of the two quilts that are finished, so far.

Started 1/02019
Finished 5/11/2020
Measures 61" x 74"
May your bobbins always ...

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January 5, 2020
Heartland Heritage Quilt Top is Done! from Jan's Quilts

The first Inspiring Stitches quilt top is assembled.  This is the top from the 2018 BOM calendar.  It went together really fast and I'm very happy with the result.  As you can see, I decided not to use the Sewing Machine block.  I give most of my quilts away as gifts and I thought most of my recipients wouldn't care about the sewing machine in their quilt.  I made another star block and I'm happy with my decision.  

May your bobbins always be full,

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December BOM, 2018 and 2019 from Jan's Quilts

What a relief!  I finished the December block for both years of the Inspiring Stitches calendar BOMs!
With my busy schedule, it was a challenge to keep up with doing both at the same time, but I challenged myself, and I made it!

May your bobbins always be full,

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November 17, 2019
Tulip Blocks from Jan's Quilts

These are the 5 Tulip Blocks for the November 2018 Inspiring Stitches, Heartland Heritage quilt. 

When I worked for a custom picture framer, we would add an extra charge for any customer who we deemed a Pain In the Ass or a PIA charge.  If these blocks were a customer, they would definitely be paying more than the nice quilt blocks!

But, they are done!  Now on to the 2019 November blocks.
May your bobbins always be full,

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  • heartland heritage
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